Roof Deck in Attic Pre-Insulation
This attic previously insulated with fiberglass batts on the attic floor but this type of insulation was not doing anything for the home as far as insulation because it was just allowing air to pass through it. It was also prohibiting the homeowner from using the attic as a storage area.

Roof Deck in Attic Post-Insulation
Spray Foam Insulation was applied to the roof deck or attic ceiling so that the home would be more comfortable and so that the homeowner would have storage space in his attic because it is now considered a part of the inner building envelope or conditioned area.

Roof Slope Pre-Installation with Spray Foam Insulation
Roof slope before insulation was installed. This bare wood has major gaps and cracks that air can seep through sending the homeowner's precious and expensive conditioned air to the outside where it is essentially dollars lost.

Roof Slope Post-Installation with Spray Foam Insulation
Roof slope that was a major source of air leakage from the home was spray foamed in order to insulate and stop all sources of air leakage.

Uninsulated Attic with pre-existing chimney
This area of the roof was extremely leaky because there are huge gaps where the chimney has to go through to the outside.

Spray Foam Insulation installed in the attic
This attic ceiling was spray foamed right around the pre-existing chimney that is no longer in use.