Before & After

Insulation Services Before & After Photos

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Marathon, NY - Closed Cell Spray Foam

These Marathon, NY homeowners were used to waking up to floors that were freezing cold during the winter months, and were ready for that to change. Upon their Home Comfort Evaluation, a lack of insulation beneath their mobile home was discovered. 

We proposed to spray 2 inches of our closed cell spray foam to the underside of the mobile home. This will ensure that the floors will not be absolutely frigid when feet are set upon them in the morning!

Marathon, NY - Dense Pack TruSoft Cellulose Insulation

These homeowners in Marathon, NY were experiencing quite a bit of ice damming on the roof of their home and wanted to find a solution to the problem. Our free Home Comfort Evaluation showed the homeowners the cause of the ice damming, and how to fix it. We proposed to dense pack the slopes of their Cape Cod home with our TruSoft cellulose insulation to prevent future ice damming, we also did some air sealing in the attic space to keep the warm air in the winter from leaking out of the roof causing the snow to melt in areas to create ice damming. The existing insulation on the attic flat was taken out and we did an open blow of 17 inches of our TruSoft cellulose insulation.  

Marathon, NY - Spray Foam

Th insulation on the underside of this mobile home in Marathon, NY was not in good shape.


The entire underside of the trailer was sprayed with 2 inches of closed cell foam.  This will improve the comfort of the home a well as reducing energy usage.

Marathon, NY - Spray Foam

This home in Marathon, NY was too cold in winter.


The attic was air sealed then sprayed with 4 inches of closed cell foam on the roof deck and 2 inches on the gable ends.  This will improve the comfort of the home and reduce energy costs.

Marathon, NY - Attic Insulation

This attic space in a home in Marathon, NY wasn't well insulated.


14 inches of cellulose insulation was blown in, improving the comfort of the home as well as reducing energy usage.



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