Before & After

Foam It Insulation Before & After Photos

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Insulation of Attic pipe

When we do our TruSoft cellulose insulation in an attic, sometimes there is ductwork we need to be cautious of. We don't want the insulation falling down the lines of the ductwork, so we build around them and cover them as shown here.

Garage Insulation

This is actually a job we did on our very own garage here at Foam It Insulation. We wanted to ensure that our garage bays would keep the cold away in the winter and keep it cooler in the summer. 

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Binghamton, NY - TruSoft Cellulose Densepack

This Binghamton, NY homeowner called us for a home energy assessment to be done on his home to see what improvements could be made. He was experiencing some draftiness, especially in the colder months and said it felt like winter was inside the home, despite how he fought to keep a warmer temperature inside. 

Our assessment showed that there was no insulation in the walls of the home, which would explain why the outside cold air was passing through and making this homeowner shiver through the winter months. We proposed to insulate the walls with our TruSoft cellulose insulation by dense packing. In order to do so, we had to remove the siding from the home and drill holes where needed. We then dense-packed TruSoft cellulose into the holes we drilled in order to insulate the walls. Once the walls were dense-packed, we plugged them with cedarwood plugs and replaced the siding.

Binghamton, NY - Spray Foam Attic

This Binghamton, NY home was under-insulated in the walls, and the attic space did not have adequate insulation. The homeowner removed the Fiberglass from the attic in order for us to do the work. We dense-packed the walls from the outside of the house on the first and second floors and sprayed 2 inches of our closed cell spray foam to the rim joists of the home.

For the attic, we used our closed cell spray foam and sprayed 3 inches to the roof deck, dormers, and the attic walls to create a great layer of protection against air leaking in and out of the home. When our crew went back the second day to complete installation, the homeowners were pleased to let them know that they already felt a difference in how comfortable the home was. 

Binghamton, NY - TruSoft Dense Packing Exterior

These Binghamton, NY homeowners had done some renovations to the first floor of their home but wanted to explore what other options were available. Our free Home Comfort Evaluation showed them how little insulation they had on the second and third floors of the home. We proposed several things to the home to make it more comfortable for the homeowners, as well as more energy efficient. We proposed to spray foam the roof deck of the attic, as well as do an open blow of TruSoft cellulose insulation, as well as dense packing the walls of the home from the exterior. 

We carefully removed the siding from the home and drilled the holes needed to get our hose into the exterior of the home to dense pack the walls of the second floor of the home with the TruSoft cellulose insulation. Once the walls are properly dense packed with cellulose insulation, we plug it with a wooden plug and seal it. The siding is then replaced as carefully as it was removed. We also dense packed the slopes of the roof deck to ensure a tighter envelope for the homeowners.

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